Only one secondary character from Metal Gear Solid makes an appearance while passing references to other characters and events aren’t common. It feels as though it exists in a bubble all its own, a single instance where a crisis arises and is overcome, and the impact of these events feel largely resolved by the conclusion. In terms of contributing to the Metal Gear canon, Revengeance isn’t doing much which seems significant. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 ) When another outfit assassinates the Prime Minister of a government Maverick has a contract with, Raiden begins a campaign of vengeance which reveals a plan to jump start the War Economy back into operation and a sinister program of experimentation he is all too familiar with already.

Some, such as Raiden and the company employing him (Maverick Security Consulting, Inc.), have turned their attention to security and training in developing nations, seeking to maintain the peace. In the aftermath, the cyborg soldiers of the private military companies which functioned as the lifeblood for this system were cast into the wind, searching for a purpose now that the wars they were built to fight no longer exist. Four years following the events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, the world is still recovering from the fall of the War Economy, a program created to ensure a constant level of conflict on the globe for the purposes of profit and control.